And although the Peligro level has elements that feel like The five maps are well designed, well-crafted and large. To start, everyone is able to afford a main weapon and a couple of accessories (a hat, for example), but once you've been playing a while, you'll be notorious enough to afford a bigger load out, and the super-expensive explosive bow. Money only counts towards winning the round. Notoriety is what you use to buy weapons. Obviously, the other team will be trying to kill you, both to stop you getting the money and to boost their notoriety. Pick it up, and a timer starts - if you're still holding the money when it expires, then your team scores the amount.
Sure, the people playing Fistful Of Frags were primarily idiot teenagers, spamming the voice channel with dreary narrations of their every shot but that made it more satisfying to kill the adolescent cushion humpers.įistful of Frags is a Western mod, in which the Desperado and the Vigilante are fighting to find the money that's been left around the level.
When You Install a new mod, join an internet game, and you find people already playing it, you're onto an unusual thing.